About Me
"We may not have it all together, but together we have it all." - Unkown
This site began as a way to express my feelings surrounding raising a child with complex developmental and mental health needs. Over time it has grown to encompass advocacy, infertility, adoption and my own mental health. Corbin, my oldest, has given permission for me to write about him here on this site. I strive to honour my son's dignity and right to privacy with many life events.
I live in Windsor Ontario Canada with Adam (my husband of 22 years) and my two sons Corbin (18 years) and Jeremy (13 years) who were adopted through local foster care. My other interests include scrap-booking and lots of reading. I love to connect with people through my writing and sharing my story, including public speaking. Housekeeping is way at the bottom of the list much to my husbands chagrin.
I'm a writer with articles featured in sources both online and in print, including Can I Sit with You (2nd Edition), The Mighty, Hopeful Parents, BLOOM and Her View From Home. It's exciting to be expanding my portfolio and I am sure I will have more to share with you soon.
You can contact me by leaving a comment, by email at tina1973@gmail.com or Facebook